Monthly Archives: February 2021
SIP Pacheco

SIP Tio! Johnny Pacheco co-founder of @faniarecords and a legendary Latin Musician has transitioned. A great friend of my Dad I would often refer to him has Tio. Never bothered by me taking pictures he would always welcome me with open arms. Sleep well Tio and thank you for all the great music! #RIP #JohnnyPacheco #Legend #Pioneer #Fania #LatinMusic #LastOfTheGreats! #JoeConzoPhotography (c)2021 @ Bronx, NY
SIP Rickster

Fuck! Why?! Ricky you were so good to me supported me and my career! Why?! You can’t leave us! We had so much planned! This hurts! You crazy mofo I love ya! SIP my my brother! @thelazyhustler #TheRickster #HipHop #Photographer #Royalty #Legend #Pioneer #RIP #GoneTooSoon #Fuck!