“Chegui La Poeta” aka. April Lee Hernández
“Chegui La Poeta” (VIDEO)
A short homage Actress April Lee Hernández did for me in Da BX that still cracks me up.
CES Wish
Thank you to my brother @ces4wish for sending this to me. Always creating dope art outside of the box! This goes out to the world! #Peace #StaySafe #StayHome #ProtectYourself #ProtectOthers #LoveToTheWorld #AndThisTooShallPass!
Cold Crush 4ever
Homage to the Greatest Hip Hop group that ever picked up a mic and spun records! I was asked the other day how was it seeing these live jams back in the days and I said it incredible! Listen and watch for a moment and for a moment be transported back into time! #Rap #HipHop #BornInTheBronx #Grassroot #Pure #Organic #Harmonizing #Scratching #Battles #Respect #ChargingDouble! #TheColdCrush #Brothers #JoeConzoPhotography (c)2019
John Ahearn@Conzo
Honored and humbled to be apart of an elite group! Thank you long-time friend and gifted mix-media artist John Ahearn @jahearnart for capturing my youth, and a time of innocence in my life. How I wish to go back to a simpler time! You are a phenomenal artist! Thank you! #JoeConzoSelfPortrait #B/W #Selfie #Innocence #Sculpture #JohnAhern @ Bronx, New York
HH Bricklayers
Hip Hop picture of the day! Nothing but MCs! Bricklayers on the Mic! Melly Mel, Coke LaRock and Big Bank Hank @ Crotona Park, almost two decades ago. #Foundation #MCs #Bricklayers #MastersOfCeremony #MellyMel #CokeLaRock #Hank #CrotonaPark #BornInTheBronx #HipHop #JoeConzoArchives (c)2020